Release Date: 30th August, 2024
Total Duration: 1 hr 3 Sec.
Record Label: Dumakahle Entertainment
Producer: TBA
Featured Artists: Anzo
Number of Tracks: 15
iPhatha’s Ang’ Senandaba {Full Album Download}
In a thrilling development, the Maskandi music scene is abuzz with the announcement of Dumakahle‘s latest venture – a brand-new music group, IPhatha’s, and their debut project, “Ang’ Senandaba”. This bombshell was dropped on Dumakahle’s official Facebook page, where he shared the captivating front cover of the album, leaving fans and enthusiasts eagerly anticipating the release.
Ngiyabingelela kuzona zonke izindawo la kufinyelel khona umsebenzi wami,namhlanje ngithanda ukunethulela nanti iqembu elisha shaaa,englibiza ngokuthi iPhathas isihloko sithi angisenendaba.
The Mysterious Front Cover:
The front cover artistry is a visual masterpiece, featuring Dumakahle seated on a couch, surrounded by symbols of his craft and passion. A flat-screen TV, adorned with a dark brown vase containing flowers, sits on a TV stand beside him. An acoustic guitar with a rich brown body rests against the edge of the wall, which is painted white with touches of black. A mirror hangs next to the guitar, reflecting the back of a person, whose face remains hidden from view. This enigmatic figure, with long dreadlocks reminiscent of Ugcabashe, has sparked intense speculation among fans – is it a new group member or a familiar face?
A Tribute to His Parents:
In a heartfelt comment accompanying the post, Dumakahle paid tribute to his late parents, expressing his gratitude for the journey that has brought him to this point. He poignantly shared that if his mother were alive, she would be overwhelmed with pride, witnessing the impact he’s making in the music world. His father, he believes, would be working tirelessly, while his brother, Njinga, would be running alongside him. This emotional dedication sets the tone for the album, hinting at the personal stories and experiences that will be shared through the music.
Ukube usekhona umama ngabe uyalilizela ebona ngijabulisa umhlaba kanjena ngomculo🔥❤️
Kube esekhona uBaba ngabe uyagiya manje
Kube isekhona iNjinga ngabe iyagiya manje
A New Chapter: “Ang’ Senandaba”:
The title “Ang’ Senandaba”, translated to English as “I don’t care anymore”, suggests a sense of liberation and freedom, hinting that Dumakahle is ready to bare his soul and share aspects of his life that were previously unknown. In his own words, “there are a lot we do not know about him” that this album will reveal to the world. This promise of vulnerability and honesty has generated immense excitement among fans, eager to delve deeper into the mind and heart of this Maskandi maestro.
The Enigmatic IPhatha’s:
While details about the group members remain scarce, the introduction of IPatha’s marks a significant milestone in Dumakahle’s career. This new venture promises to bring a fresh perspective to the Maskandi genre, blending traditional elements with innovative styles and collaborations. As the music world waits with bated breath for the release of “Ang’ Senandaba”, one thing is certain – Dumakahle’s influence on the industry will continue to grow, inspiring a new generation of musicians and fans alike.
The Release Date and Beyond:
Although the release date remain under wraps, the unveiling of the front cover suggests that the album is imminent. Fans are advised to stay tuned to for the latest information and updates on the project. As Dumakahle so aptly put it, “it’s better A Teacher makes a mistake than a Doctor’s mistake” – implying that this new chapter in his career will be a learning experience, one that will shape the future of Maskandi music.
Linenhloso enkulu leliqembu,kuningi obungakwazi ngoDumakahle ozokuthola lana kule album,anikalazi iPhathas nina 😂
Futhi ngiyazethemba webakwethu.Ingaphambili lecwecwe lakulonyaka libukeka kanjena
Kulonyaka sithi
Lincono iphutha lika Thisha kunephutha lika Dokotela!!!!!!!!
In conclusion, Dumakahle’s “Ang’ Senandaba” is poised to be a groundbreaking album, one that will not only showcase his artistic growth but also provide a glimpse into his personal journey. With IPatha’s by his side, the possibilities are endless, and the Maskandi music scene will undoubtedly be forever changed.
1. iPhatha’s – Isbhamu
2. iPhatha’s – Noma Ungahamba
3. iPhatha’s – Makhelwane
4. iPhatha’s – Usefikile Umaphathefika
5. iPhatha’s – Ngisendleleni
6. iPhatha’s – Ungezi
7. iPhatha’s – Ngiyakthanda
8. iPhatha’s – Sazi Izinsizwa
9. iPhatha’s – Sizijabulele
10. iPhatha’s – Imali Yami
11. iPhatha’s – Mufunwa Wanga
12. iPhatha’s – Emendweni
13. iPhatha’s – Uthando
14. iPhatha’s – Emabhaceni
15. iPhatha’s ft Anzo – Imali Ngeke Iphele
For the latest news, updates, and behind-the-scenes insights into Dumakahle’s groundbreaking project, “Ang’ Senandaba”, and the debut of his new music group, IPatha’s, be sure to bookmark and regularly visit our dedicated Maskandi music platform:
Joyina Isiteshi Sethu Seselula {Telegram @ Maskandi-Updates} ukuze Udawunilode futhi Ucele noma yiziphi Izingoma zikaMaskandi noma i-albhamu Oyikhethile